
信息来源: 作者:  发布时间:2021-04-12

报告题目:Epitaxial thin film growth model and its numerical simulation

主讲人:王成教授 (美国麻省大学)      

时间:2021年4月13日(周二)10:00 a.m.



     摘要:A nonlinear PDE model of thin film growth model, with or without slope selection, are presented in the talk. A global in time solution with Gevrey regularity is established for the one with slope selection. For the numerical simulation, an idea of convex-concave splitting of the corresponding physical energy is applied, which gives to an implicit treatment for the convex part and an explicit treatment for the concave part. That in turn leads to a numerical scheme with a non-increasing energy. A first order accurate linear splitting and a second order accurate linear iteration algorithm are also considered, with some numerical simulation results presented.


王成,1993年毕业于中国科技大学获数学学士学位,2000年在美国坦普尔大学获得博士学位,。2000-2003年在美国印尼安纳大学做博士后,2003-2008年在美国田纳西大学任助理教授,2008-2012年在美国麻省大学达特茅斯分校任助理教授,2012年晋升为副教授,2019年晋升为教授。主要研究领域是应用数学,包括数值分析、偏微分方程、流体力学、计算电磁学等。在Journal of Computational Physics,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis等期刊上发表论文100余篇。目前担任SCI杂志 “Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications”的编委.
