2. 研究方向
3. 受教育经历
4. 工作经历
5. 承担或者参与科研项目
(2)云南省教育厅, 科学研究基金教师类项目, 2022J0480, 基于G-期望和四元数的随机神经网络的动力学研究,2022-03至2023-02,2万元,在研,主持。
(3)国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 11861072, 四元数值泛函微分方程的若干定性研究,2019-01-01至2022-12-31,36万元,资助期满,参与。
6. 代表性科研成果
[1] Shiping Shen, Xiaofang Meng*, Finite-time stability of almost periodic solutions of Clifford-valued RNNs with time-varying delays and operator on time scales [J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023, 169: 113221.
[2] Yongkun Li*, Xiaofang Meng, Almost automorphic solutions in distribution sense of quaternion-valued stochastic recurrent neural networks with Mixed time-varying delays [J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2020, 51(2): 1353-1377.
[3] Yongkun Li*, Xiaofang Meng, Almost automorphic solutions for quaternion-valued Hopfield neural networks with mixed time-varying delays and leakage delays [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2020, 33(1): 100-121.
[4] Yongkun Li*, Xiaofang Meng, Almost periodic solutions for quaternion-valued shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks of neutral type with time delays in the leakage term [J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2018, 49(11): 2490-2505.
[5] Yongkun Li*, Xiaofang Meng, Lianling Xiong, Pseudo almost periodic solutions for neutral type high-order Hopfield neural networks with mixed time-varying delays and leakage delays on time scales [J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2017, 8: 1915-1927.
7. 人才培养