1. 个人简介
李珂欣,博士,讲师。 Email: likx1213@163.com
2. 研究方向
3. 讲授课程
4. 受教育经历
5. 研究工作经历
6. 科研项目
(1)云南省教育厅,科学研究基金项目(教师类)青年人才基础研究专项,2024J0642,四元数低秩矩阵重建中的自适应参数选,2024-05至 2026-02,4万元,在研,主持
(2)湖南省教育厅, 湖南省研究生科研创新项目, QL2022012, 基于低秩矩阵重构的图像处理算法研究, 2022-05 至 2023-05,1万元,结题,主持
7. 近五年代表论文 (加粗表示本人,*表示通讯作者)
(1) Kexin Li, Hongwei Li, Raymond H. Chan and You-Wei Wen*. Selecting Regularization Parameters for Nuclear Norm--Type Minimization Problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022, 44(4), A2204-A2225.
(2) You-Wei Wen, Kexin Li* and Hefeng Chen. Accelerated matrix completion algorithm using continuation strategy and randomized SVD, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2023, 429: 115215.
(3) Wenlin Qiu, Xu Xiao and Kexin Li*, Second-order accurate numerical scheme with graded meshes for the nonlinear partial integrodifferential equation arising from viscoelasticity, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023, 116: 106804.
(4) Kai Deng, You-Wei Wen, Kexin Li* and Juan Zhang, Hybrid model of tensor sparse representation and total variation regularization for image denoising, Signal Processing, 2024, 217: 109352.