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发布日期:2018-12-10点击: 发布人:商学院

题目Self-Control vs. Morality in Individual Information Security Behavior: Insights from EEG and fMRI Studies


主讲人:胡清  教授       美国纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院兹科林商学院副院长
                          全球信息系统领域Google Scholar前100顶级学者
主持人:叶琼伟 教授       商学院副院长
时间:2018年12月14日星期五 19:30-21:30
胡清教授简介Dr. Qing Hu’s research focuses on cybersecurity and impact of IT on organizational strategy, culture, and performance. He has published over 130 research articles in academic journals, conferences, and books, and has been an invited speaker at universities and academic conferences around the world. His work has been cited over 7,800 times, and has an h-index of 38, one of the top 100 information systems scholars in the world, according to Google Scholar. He won the Citation of Excellence Award twice (2011 and 2014) from Emerald Group Publishing as an author of one of the top 35 articles in Management, Business, and Economics in 2005-2009. His academic work has been published in premier academic journals including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, California Management Review, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 
